martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

This website is awsom because it shows us they way that we behave in terms of personatity. For instance, our mood, our social life, frienship and the way how we have fun, among others.
To begin with,
they show you some pictures about different topics and you have to choose the best one according to your tastes aswering some questions. It was really accurate with my personality and that calls my attention.
My results were funny, I'm a wild cat. This means-related to the game-that I'm honest, sociable,romantic,nostalgic,always looking for new kind of music, always seeing the funny way of life and totally open- minded, to name a few.
My results of the quiz were absolutely different from other people in the stats, but I agree with my way of see life in general.
Finally, it was great to learnt new words such as haunt, path and stats.
It was a great game!

2 comentarios:

$andrita dijo...

My dear friend:
We are wild cat!!!!
that's why we are friends jajajaja

Miss B dijo...

Dear Francisca
I hope for the next post you can write a few more words.

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